Mike Starkey

Mike Starkey

(Owner and Tech)

Mike has over 30 years of experience in the industry

Scott Klecan

Scott Klecan


Scott does service and installs; he has worked at the company since January 2005

Kyle Byler

Kyle Byler

Kyle does service work and installs; he has worked at the company worked since Feb. 2006

Joe Byler

Joe Byler

Joe does installments and has worked at the company since August 2010

Greg Brown

Greg Brown

Greg does Service work and some installs worked here since June 2013

Debbie Angstadt

Debbie Angstadt


Kandace Klecan

Kandace Klecan

(Office Manager)

Tempie Starkey

Tempie Starkey

(Payroll Admin)

Tanner Emore

(Technician Assistant)